Class Value<T, DataType>

Type Parameters






  • Create a new value.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends DFValueCodename = DFValueCodename

    • DataType extends RawDFValueDataRecord<Ibl_tag<"SetReducedDebug" | "BossBar" | "SetVelocity" | "AddInvRow" | "PlayEntitySound" | "SetExp" | "SendAnimation" | "SetInventoryKept" | "SetAllowFlight" | "LaunchUp" | "SetMaxHealth" | "RemoveBossBar" | "GetTargetEntity" | "ForceFlight" | "SetTabListInfo" | "SetBossBar" | "SetGamemode" | "RemoveInvRow" | "LSetHealth" | "ClearInv" | "SetFreezeTicks" | "SetGliding" | "SetFlying" | "DisplayBlockOpen" | "SetHandItem" | "SendAdvancement" | "Teleport" | "SetAllowPVP" | "LaunchToward" | "DisplayGateway" | "SetVisualFire" | "SetDisguiseVisible" | "GiveExp" | "FaceLocation" | "ActionBar" | "SendMessage" | "DisplaySignText" | "SetSpeed" | "SetPlayerWeather" | "ParticleCuboidA" | "GivePotion" | "PlaySound" | "RngTeleport" | "SetCollidable" | "LaunchFwd" | "SetEquipment" | "AttackAnimation" | "SetDropsEnabled" | "DisplayFracture" | "SetEntityHidden" | "SetSidebar" | "ParticleCuboid" | "InstantRespawn" | "StopSound" | "IsLookingAt" | "HasRoomForItem" | "HasItem" | "IsWearing" | "IsNear" | "IsRiding" | "CmdEquals" | "ItemEquals" | "IsHolding" | "HasPermission" | "HasPotion" | "InvOpen" | "CmdArgEquals" | "dynamic" | "Wait" | "PurgeVars" | "ShiftOnVector" | "GetItemAttribute" | "ShiftRotation" | "/" | "GetSignText" | "Bitwise" | "ShiftOnAxis" | "GetVectorComp" | "RmText" | "AddItemAttribute" | "AlignLoc" | "RandomNumber" | "Raycast" | "RotateAroundVec" | "SortDict" | "Sine" | "RoundNumber" | "NormalRandom" | "SetItemDura" | "SetBreakability" | "SetAllCoords" | "GetDirection" | "RotateAroundAxis" | "GetItemDura" | "ShiftInDirection" | "ReplaceText" | "SetLodestoneLoc" | "SetCase" | "GetLight" | "Distance" | "GetItemType" | "GetAllBlockData" | "GetCoord" | "ShiftDirection" | "GetParticleSprd" | "GetHeadOwner" | "GetColorChannels" | "SetDirection" | "Tangent" | "Text" | "VoronoiNoise" | "SetCoord" | "RaycastBlock" | "PerlinNoise" | "WorleyNoise" | "SortList" | "FormatTime" | "SetItemFlags" | "GetContainerItems" | "RemoveText" | "Cosine" | "SetVectorComp" | "ShiftAllDirs" | "GetValueIndex" | "ShiftLocation" | "Round" | "GetSoundPitch" | "TranslateColors" | "GetBlockGrowth" | "GetBlockType" | "GetVectorLength" | "DispRotationEuler" | "SetParrotColor" | "SetFrogType" | "DispRotAxisAngle" | "SetSheepSheared" | "SetMobSitting" | "SetAxolotlColor" | "SetHorsePattern" | "SetAI" | "SetRiptiding" | "SetFoxLeaping" | "SetPandaGene" | "SetDyeColor" | "SetAge" | "SetProfession" | "SetArmsRaised" | "ArmorStandParts" | "SetInvulnerable" | "ArmorStandTags" | "TDisplayShadow" | "SetMarker" | "SetNameVisible" | "SetPose" | "SetRearing" | "CreeperCharged" | "SetGravity" | "SetName" | "TDisplaySeeThru" | "InteractResponse" | "UseItem" | "SetFishPattern" | "SetCatType" | "SetSaddle" | "TDisplayAlign" | "SetDragonPhase" | "SetLlamaColor" | "SetVillagerBiome" | "SetBaby" | "MooshroomType" | "SetInvisible" | "DisplayBillboard" | "SetCatResting" | "SetGoatHorns" | "SetGlowing" | "SetGoatScreaming" | "IDisplayModelType" | "FoxSleeping" | "ArmorStandPose" | "SetSilenced" | "SetBeeNectar" | "SnowmanPumpkin" | "ArmorStandSlots" | "SetAllayDancing" | "SetRabbitType" | "SetAngry" | "SetDigging" | "SetDeathDrops" | "SetPersistent" | "SetCelebrating" | "SetCarryingChest" | "SetFoxType" | "StartsWith" | "VarIsType" | "TextMatches" | "LocIsNear" | "Contains" | "EndsWith" | "FilterDistance" | "FilterRay" | "EventTarget" | "FilterSort" | "BoneMeal" | "FallingBlock" | "WebRequest" | "SpawnEnderEye" | "SetBlockData" | "Firework" | "SetBlockGrowth" | "SpawnItem" | "SignColor" | "SpawnRngItem" | "SpawnInteraction" | "CloneRegion" | "SpawnArmorStand" | "GenerateTree" | "SpawnCrystal" | "SetCampfireItem" | "Adjacent" | "Path" | "ForEach" | "Sphere" | "SignHasTxt" | "CommandEquals" | "EventItemEquals" | "BlockPowered", "Gravity" | "Reduced Debug Info Enabled" | "Bar Slot" | "Bar Style" | "Sky Effect" | "Bar Color" | "Add to Current Velocity" | "New Row Position" | "Sound Source" | "Set Experience" | "Animation Type" | "Inventory Kept" | "Allow Flight" | "Heal Mob to Max Health" | "Ignore Blocks" | "Flight Mode" | "Player List Field" | "Gamemode" | "Row to Remove" | "Heal Type" | "Clear Mode" | "Clear Crafting and Cursor" | "Ticking Locked" | "Gliding" | "Flying" | "Container State" | "Hand Slot" | "Toast Type" | "Keep Current Rotation" | "PVP" | "Ignore Distance" | "On Fire" | "Disguise Visible" | "Give Experience" | "Text Value Merging" | "Alignment Mode" | "Text Color" | "Glowing" | "Speed Type" | "Weather" | "Fill Type" | "Overwrite Effect" | "Effect Particles" | "Collision" | "Launch Axis" | "Boss Bar Slot" | "Equipment Slot" | "Animation Arm" | "Spawn Death Drops" | "Overwrite Previous Fracture" | "Hidden" | "Sidebar" | "Instant Respawn" | "Fluid Mode" | "Check Mode" | "Shape" | "Compare Text To" | "Ignore Case" | "Permission" | "Check Properties" | "Inventory Type" | "Is Hidden" | "Delay Unit" | "Match Requirement" | "Add Location Rotation" | "Attribute" | "Active Equipment Slot" | "Rotation Axis" | "Division Mode" | "Sign Line" | "Operator" | "Coordinate" | "Component" | "Regular Expressions" | "Operation" | "Coordinates" | "Rotation" | "Rounding Mode" | "Entity Collision" | "Block Collision" | "Angle Units" | "Sorting Type" | "Sorting Order" | "Sine Variant" | "Input" | "Round Mode" | "Face Direction" | "Distribution" | "Durability Type" | "Breakability" | "Coordinate Type" | "Return Type" | "Axis" | "Direction" | "Replacement Type" | "Require Lodestone at Location" | "Capitalization Type" | "Light Type" | "Distance Type" | "Return Value Type" | "Hide Default" | "Spread" | "Text Value" | "Color Channels" | "Tangent Variant" | "Cell Edge Type" | "Ignore Passable Blocks" | "Fluid Collision" | "Fractal Type" | "Distance Calculation" | "Sort Order" | "Format" | "Hide Color" | "Hide Enchantments" | "Hide Attributes" | "Hide Unbreakable" | "Hide Can Destroy" | "Hide Can Place On" | "Hide Potion Effects" | "Ignore Empty Slots" | "Cosine Variant" | "Ignore Pitch" | "Search Order" | "Shift Direction" | "Translation Type" | "Growth Unit" | "Length Type" | "Rotation Type" | "Parrot Color" | "Frog Type" | "Sheared" | "Is Sitting" | "Axolotl Color" | "Horse Color" | "Horse Markings" | "AI" | "Riptiding" | "Leaping" | "Set Gene" | "Gene Type" | "Dye" | "Age Lock" | "Profession" | "Arms Raised" | "Arms" | "Base Plate" | "Invulnerable" | "Is Visible" | "Is Marker (No Hitbox)" | "Allow Item Taking / Adding" | "Has Physics / Updates" | "Is Small" | "Has Arms" | "Has Base Plate" | "Text Shadow" | "Marker" | "Name Tag Visible" | "Pose" | "Rearing" | "Charged" | "Hide Name Tag" | "See-through" | "Responsive" | "Hand" | "Use Item" | "Pattern Color" | "Body Color" | "Pattern" | "Skin Type" | "Saddle" | "Text Alignment" | "Phase" | "Llama Color" | "Biome" | "Baby" | "Mooshroom Variant" | "Invisible" | "Billboard Type" | "Resting" | "Left Horn" | "Right Horn" | "Screams" | "Model Type" | "Sleeping" | "Armor Stand Part" | "Silenced" | "Has Nectar" | "Pumpkin" | "Interactions" | "Dancing" | "Angry" | "Digging Type" | "Has Death Drops" | "Persistent" | "Celebrate" | "Carrying Chest" | "Fox Type" | "Variable Type" | "Comparison Mode" | "Ignore Y-Axis" | "Compare Mode" | "Event Target" | "Show Particles" | "Hurt Hit Entities" | "Reform on Impact" | "Request Method" | "Content Type" | "End of Lifespan" | "Overwrite Existing Data" | "Instant" | "Movement" | "Apply Item Motion" | "Ignore Air" | "Clone Block Entities" | "Visibility" | "Tree Type" | "Show Bottom" | "Campfire Slot" | "Change Location Rotation" | "Include Origin Block" | "Rotate Location" | "Allow List Changes" | "Point Locations Inwards" | "Redstone Power Mode">> | RawDFValueDataRecord<Itxt> | RawDFValueDataRecord<Inum> | RawDFValueDataRecord<Ivar> | RawDFValueDataRecord<Iloc> | RawDFValueDataRecord<Ipot> | RawDFValueDataRecord<Ig_val> | RawDFValueDataRecord<Iitem<false, `minecraft:${string}`>> | RawDFValueDataRecord<Ivec> | RawDFValueDataRecord<Isnd> = ValueDataMapper<T>


    • type: T

      Type of the value.

    • value: DataType

      The value property.

    • Optional slot: number

      Specific slot number.

    Returns Value<T, DataType>


_componentName: string = "serializable"

The component's name

data: DataStorage<T, DataType>
slot?: number

Specific slot number.

type: T

Type of the value.


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